Professor Felix Robert Nager delivered his Semon Lecture in 1939. Nager used this opportunity to present his argument in favour of extracranial treatment of pituitary tumours and shows that the transsphenoidal approach can be especially useful for large intrasellar tumours and special forms of visual troubles, such as central scotoma and homonymous hemianopia. Journal article … Continue reading “The Paranasal Approach to Intrasellar Tumours”
Category: 1930-1939
Laryngology’s Debt to Research
Mr William Mayhew Mollison delivered his Semon Lecture in 1938. He discussed the various groups of Streptococcus and reviewed the factors that influence immunity and resistance. He then went on to describe the origins of the infection and the various sources of infection and modes, before looking at prophylaxis. Journal article version of the lecture … Continue reading “Laryngology’s Debt to Research”
The Surgical Treatment of Chronic Cicatricial Stenosis of the Larynx
Professor Ernst Carl Schmiegelow gave his Semon Lecture in 1937. His talk centred around improved surgical treatment of stenosis, which he claims is better than laryngostomy and cannulation. He gives a detailed description of the method he uses and claims that all cases can be treated in this way and that it is completely innocuous. … Continue reading “The Surgical Treatment of Chronic Cicatricial Stenosis of the Larynx”
Some Tumours and Ulcers of the Palate and Fauces
Mr Walter Goldie Howarth presented his Semon Lecture in 1936. His lecture reports on a number of cases of tumours and ulcers of the palate that he has observed. He then goes on to describe the technique of diathermy excision of malignant tumours that he has used in many of these cases. To finish his … Continue reading “Some Tumours and Ulcers of the Palate and Fauces”
The Defences of the Upper Respiratory Tract
Sir St Clair Thomson gave his lecture in 1935 and focused on the different modes of defence against respiratory microbial germs. The talk aimed to show the complexity and perfection of these defences, their mode of action and their reciprocal reaction and demonstrate the interest of knowledge of natural processes as a necessary preliminary to … Continue reading “The Defences of the Upper Respiratory Tract”
Inflammation of the Maxillary Antrum and Other Accessory Sinuses (Some Clinical Manifestations of its Pathology)
Mr Herbert Tilley delivered his Semon Lecture in 1934. His talk centred around looking at new pathology of infection into bones. It includes a review of the anatomy of the sinuses before exploring infection transmission modes and the clinical manifestations of diseases. He then goes on to make some suggestions for various treatments. Journal article … Continue reading “Inflammation of the Maxillary Antrum and Other Accessory Sinuses (Some Clinical Manifestations of its Pathology)”
The So-Called Associated Paralyses of the Larynx (Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsy)
Professor Hendrik Burger presented his Semon lecture on the 2nd of November 1933 at the Lecture Hall of the Royal Society of Medicine. His lecture focuses on the various eponymous syndromes for paralysis of different cranial nerves and whether all of these syndromes are actually justified. In conclusion, he found that the associated paralysis of … Continue reading “The So-Called Associated Paralyses of the Larynx (Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsy)”
The Tonsil Problem
Professor Otto Kahler gave his Semon Lecture in 1932. He spoke widely on the tonsils, including the role and function of tonsils, whether they served a particular purpose, before going on to address the long-standing issue of whether or not to remove them. Journal article version of the lecture Otto Kahler was born on the … Continue reading “The Tonsil Problem”
The Relative Value of Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Cancers in the Upper Air Passages
Mr William Douglas Harmer gave his lecture on the 5th of November 1931 at the Royal Society of Medicine. His talk highlighted the importance of increasing the availability of radiation therapy, increased training for identifying patients suitable for treatment, and the joint care of patients by clinicians and radiation experts. Journal article version of the … Continue reading “The Relative Value of Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Cancers in the Upper Air Passages”
Some Observations on Semon’s Law
Mr Victor Ewings Negus presented his Semon Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine on the 6th of November 1930. His talk centred around using comparative anatomy to provide evidence for Semon’s law and to do so he looked at the anatomy of animals, such as fish. Journal article version of the lecture Victor Negus … Continue reading “Some Observations on Semon’s Law”