Orbital Decompression for Progressive Exopthalmos

Professor Joseph H Ogura gave his Semon Lecture on the 3rd of November 1977 at the Royal Society of Medicine. During his lecture, he described the epidemiology, pathology, indications for surgical decompression, techniques and results and complications from experience of 220 cases of exophthalmos. Ogura also stresses the importance of cooperation between otolaryngologists, endocrinologists and ophthalmologists for the best care for patients.

Journal article version of the lecture

Joseph Ogura was born on the 25th of May 1915 in San Francisco, America. He was renowned as an exceptional teacher and published many textbooks and papers during his career. He also received the honor of being President of the American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society. Ogura was also appointed to the National Cancer Advisory Board by the President of the United States.


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